ACS Bridge Program to Enhance Diversity in the Chemical Sciences: 2021-2022 Application Deadline is March 31, 2022

The ACS Bridge Program was developed to increase the number of students from underrepresented (UR) racial and ethnic groups obtaining a Ph.D. in the chemical sciences. ACS-BP assists UR students with getting into and succeeding in graduate school.

As an ACS Bridge Fellow, students enroll in a one- to two-year Bridge Experience that provides research experience, advanced coursework, mentoring, and coaching to prepare a graduate school application.

Students who have not applied to graduate school, or who have applied but were not accepted, may be offered: 

• A free common application that will be shared with participating departments

• Resources to strengthen applications

• Connections to faculty and mentors

• Networking opportunities with other ACS-BP students

The deadline to apply is March 31, 2022.  Learn more   

The ACS Bridge Project is generously supported by the US National Science Foundation through grant NSF-1834545 and by the Genentech Foundation. The ACS Bridge Project is in collaboration with the Inclusive Graduate Education Network.

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