2025 Silicon Valley ACS Board Elections

We know you want to do more to support our section but don’t know how or what you can do.  Every fall we elect members to the Silicon Valley Local ACS Section Executive Committee.  This is the leadership group that represents our section at the National level and governs our local section. 

We want you to run for a position!  We have six open positions this year:

  • Chair-Elect to run the rotation through Chair and then immediate past Chair
  • two Councilors
  • two Alternate-councilors 
  • Secretary with a 2-year term

On behalf of the current Silicon Valley ACS Executive Committee, the Nominations Committee is pleased to request any and all interested candidates to make yourselves known.  Email chair@siliconvalleyacs.org with your desire to run for a position or to get more information about the open positions.

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