Anais Nguyen

To approach Green Chemistry as a philosophy that applies to all areas of chemistry, not a single discipline of chemistry. To explore green chemistry which has already produced many tangible victories for the environment.

Change is inevitable.  Growth is optional.  I want to grow.


As a lead environmental engineer with IBM Global Real Estate based at Almaden Research Labs I have responsibility for approval of chemical used in research and manufactured materials through end of life product life. This includes review of potential environmental toxicity, persistence, and potential recoverability of raw material and final product.  I provide an oversite role for environmental assessment of current and acquired properties in the IBM portfolio.

My additional roles include: management of IBM’s open space, maintaining certification of Corporate Lands with the Wildlife Habitat Council, membership on IBM’s Corporate Sustainability Zero Waste Committee, supporting IBM’s global efforts to implement UN Sustainability Goals, and membership on IBM’s Corporate Greenhouse Gas and Ozone Depleting Chemical Elimination Committee. Education: BS Environmental Health & Safety, California State University, San Diego.