2021 Abraham Ottenberg Service Award: Call for Nominations

Deadline: May 30, 2021

The Abraham Ottenberg Service Award was established in 1973 by the Silicon Valley Section to recognize members who have rendered outstanding service to the Section.  It is named after Abraham Ottenberg, a former member who devoted himself to service to the Section. The award currently consists of an engraved plaque and a check for $250. The award recipient is selected from candidates nominated by members of the Section. Nominees must be members or affiliates of the Silicon Valley Section.

Nominating letters should include a brief biography of the candidate and a description or evaluation of the service(s) to be recognized by the award. Seconding nominations are not required but will be accepted.  Re-nominations are accepted for consideration as previous nominations are not retained for subsequent years.  Previous recipients are not eligible.

Please send your nomination to:

Peter Rusch, Chair, Ottenberg Award Selection Committee
Silicon Valley Section, American Chemical Society
P.O. Box 395, Palo Alto, CA 94302-0395
E-mail: PFRusch@aol.com, Fax: 650-961-8120

1974 Shirley B. Radding1975 Oliver S. Senn1976 Floyd M. Hobbs
1977 Frank R. Mayo1978 Harry S. Mosher1979 Lois J. Durham
1980 Richard W. Gaver1982 Alan C. Ling1983 Ludwig A. Mayer and John F. Riley
1984 Howard M. Peters1986 June G. Jones and Robert L. Montoya1987 Malcolm Dole
1991 Donald E. Green1992 Hubert E. Dubb1993 Karl Marhenke
1994 Stephen N. Senzer1995 Carol W. Mosher1998 Bonnie Charpentier
1999 Linda Brunauer2000 Herb Silber2001 Sally Peters
2002 Jamil Talhouk2003 Ean Warren2004 Maureen Scharberg
2005 Hong Gao2006 George Lechner2007 David Parker
2008 Bruce Raby2009 Peter Rusch2010 Stephanie Gehling
2011 Abby Kennedy2012 Harry Ungar2013 Natalie McClure
2015 Todd Eberspacher2016 Susan Oldham-Fritts2017 Ihab Darwish
2018 Joseph A. Castellano2020 Jane Frommer
Past Recipients of the Abraham Ottenberg Service Award

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