2024 Annual BBQ Picnic and Awards Ceremony

About 50 people attended our Annual Picnic & Awards event that was held on Saturday, July 13, 2024, from 4-7 pm that was held at Cuesta Park in Mountain View, California. This event included wine/beer tasting plus food from Armadillo Wily’s. Everyone enjoyed visiting with colleagues and celebrating SVACS Ottenberg Award winner, Madalyn Radlauer, and 50-, 60- and 70-year ACS members.

2024 Annual Picnic & Awards Photo Album

Silicon Valley ACS Members with 50+ Years of Membership in 2024

The following ACS Silicon Valley Members received certificates of recognition issued on behalf of the ACS Board of Directors in grateful appreciation for fifty or more years of membership in the American Chemical Society.

50-Year Members

Mr. Dan Blunk
Dr. Po Jun Cheng
Dr. Stephen Cramer
Ms. Janet Finer-Moor
Dr. William Garland
Dr. Fred Hajduk
Dr. Michael Jennings
Ms. May D. Ming Lu Lee
Dr. Natalie McClure
Dr. Lawrence McGee
Dr. David Morgans, Jr.
Dr. Michael Pleiss
Ms. Sally Swanson
Dr. Thomas Tarnowski
Ms. Marjorie Winkler

60-Year Members

Dr. Melvin Auerbach
Dr. Klaus Dahl
Dr. James Heung-Fan Ho
Mr. R.G. Johanson
Mr. Akihiro Nishimura
Dr. David Schooley
Dr. Paul Simon
Mr. Frank Tao
Dr. Laszlo Tokes

70-Year Members

Mr. Edward Gipstein
Dr Ronald Milburn
Dr. Thomas Passell
Dr. Anthony Tsuchien Tu

Special thanks!

Many thanks to the following people who provided key support for the Annual Picnic & Awards:

Peter Rusch
Matt Greaney
Sally Peters
Karan Dikshit
Natalie McClure
Amanda Nelson
Todd Eberspacher
Jane Frommer

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