ACS Council Meeting for Fall 2021

This news post is a reprint of “talking points” provided to Councilors. The ACS Council meeting held virtually on August 25, and the Board of Directors meetings held August 20 and 28, 2021.

Actions of the Council

Election Results: Elected Committees of Council

  • Council Policy Committee (CPC): Donna G. Friedman, Matthew Grandbois, Fran K. Kravitz, and Louise M. Lawter were elected for a three-year term (2022-2024).
  • Committee on Committees (ConC): Mary K. Engelman, Malika Jeffries-El, Brian M. Mathes, Susan V. Olesik, and Susan M. Schelblewere electedfor a three-year term (2022-2024).
  • Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E): Allison Aldridge, Holly L. Davis, Peter K. Dorhout, Silvia Ronco, and Martin D. Rudd were electedfor a three-year term (2022-2024).

Other Council Actions

Key Actions

  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Minority Affairs. The Petition was amended on the floor of Council to strike the word ‘minority’ in Standing Rule VIII, Sec. 1, b, (9). The Board added its approval in its meeting on August 28.
  • The Council (and then the Board) also approved the continuation of the Committee on Environmental Improvement.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council (and then the Board) approved the 10th version of the Professional Employment Guidelines.

Special Council Discussion

President Cheng introduced and led a special discussion on ideas to increase involvement and membership from business and industry. For the last 5 years there has been a steady decrease in industry members. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, but there have been ongoing efforts to decrease the cost-related attrition while increasing member value.

To address value, ACS has a variety of offerings available to members to advance, discover, connect, and share. To address cost, actions were taken by the Council this past spring in the schedule of membership for 2022 that will provide industry members with flexibility as to membership options. Councilor input was then requested on the following two questions:

  1. How can we improve the value that ACS provides to its industrial and business members?
  2. How can we encourage academic inventors and entrepreneurs and support start-ups?


The Council passed several resolutions:

  • In memory of two deceased Past Presidents, Helen M. Free and Daryle H. Busch;
  • In memory of deceased Councilors: Dr. Esther A.H. Hopkins, Ms. Jane V. Thomas, Dr. Joseph M. Antonucci, and Dr. Mark D. Frishberg;
  • Expressing thanks to the officers and members of the Georgia Local Section; and
  • Acknowledging H.N. Cheng’s service as ACS President and presiding officer of Council

Highlights from Committee Reports

Budget and Finance

The Society’s 2021 financial performance through June 30 yielded a Net Surplus from Operations of $55.0 million, which is $33.6 million favorable to budget and almost $6 million greater than the same period in 2020. These mid-year results are based on total revenues of $324.4 million that are 4.3% favorable to budget, and total expenses of $269.4 million, or 7% below budget, with unrestricted net assets estimated at $645 million.

Committee on Committees

ConC will again conduct a Committee Census (formerly called the Committee Demographic Survey) of all Society Committee personnel, including the members of committees elected by Council, in February 2022. This census gives ConC a snapshot of where the committee demographic picture stands as they look toward future recruitment and retention. To assist ACS in advancing its core value of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect, ConC would like to encourage all committee members and ACS leaders to take the two-hour course entitled “Leading Inclusively: Beyond Lip Service,” developed by La’Wana Harris, a Certified Diversity Executive, International Coaching Federation (ICF) Credentialed Coach, and global leadership development professional. To Register, please go to to register.

Nominations and Elections

The Committee on Nominations and Elections solicits Councilors’ input regarding qualified individuals for President-Elect and/or Directors for future consideration. Suggestions may be sent to

Meetings & Expositions

The Fall 2021 Meeting was held live from August 22-26, and on-demand from August 30 – September 30. As of August 25th, there were 8,205 registrations (1,895 hybrid and 6,310 virtual). Of the approximately 1,200 oral sessions held, 71 were only in-person, 244 were hybrid, and 855 were held virtually.

Actions of the Board of Directors

Actions of the Board of Directors – Executive Session

The ACS Board of Directors met virtually in Executive Session on August 20 and 28, 2021 and considered a number of key strategic issues and responded with several actions. The Board opened its session with a reflection on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect (DEIR).

The Board’s Committees

The Board received and discussed reports from its committees on Budget and Finance, Executive Compensation, Professional and Member Relations, Public Affairs and Public Relations, the Advisory Board for the Green Chemistry Institute, the Governing Board for the American Association of Chemistry Teachers, and the Society committees on Education and Publications. The committees requested and obtained Board action on one or more items, as follows.

  • On recommendation of the Society Committee on Publications, the Board voted to approve the reappointments of Editors-in-Chief for several ACS journals. Those appointments will be announced in C&EN once the individuals have been notified and appropriate arrangements for their continued service have been made.
  • On recommendation of the Committee on Professional and Member Relations, the Board approved a Society nominee for the 2022 National Science Board Public Service Award.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Budget and Finance, the Board approved the ACS 2022 Spring and Fall Meetings in-person/hybrid member registration fee at $399 and the virtual member registration fee at $199, both within a range of +/- 15%.
  • On the recommendation of the Governing Board for the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT), the Board approved amendments to the Board Regulations concerning the membership, appointment, and terms for the Governing Board for AACT.
  • The Board received an extensive briefing and approved several recommendations from its Committee on Executive Compensation. The compensation of the Society’s executive staff continues to be reviewed regularly by the Board.

The Chief Executive Officer’s Report

The Board received an extensive report from the Chief Executive Officer on current issues relating to the Core Value of DEIR; COVID and the return to ACS Offices; Membership; Financials; and on upcoming events and activities. The Vice President for Philanthropy provided a presentation, “Impact of COVID on Fundraising” during the report. The presidents of CAS and ACS Publications engaged in discussions with the Board on the activities, opportunities, and challenges of their respective divisions.

Other Society Business

The Board heard reports from the Presidential Succession on their current and planned activities for 2021 and 2022; received relevant updates on current legal issues from the ACS General Counsel; and had an initial debrief on the ACS Fall 2021 meeting, including a review of the format, technology, key events, and the presentations of science information at the meeting.

The Executive Vice President for Scientific Advancement provided an update on ACS efforts to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Members of the Board Working Group on Board Structure and Representation sought input from their Board colleagues on possible models for international representation on the Board.

Confirmation of Council Actions

As required in the Standing Rules, the Board voted and confirmed the Council’s actions taken on August 25, 2021, to approve the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Minority Affairs; approved the continuation of the Committee on Environmental Improvement; and approved the ACS Professional Employment Guidelines (10th Edition).

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