To recognize excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship by community college educators.
The award consists of $500 award and a certificate to both the recipient and to their associated Community College department. Up to $1000 for travel expenses related to an ACS activity of the recipient’s choice will be reimbursed.
Any community college faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and scholarship as demonstrated by (but not limited to) one or more of the following:
- Excellence in teaching Chemistry in the classroom and the laboratory
- Extensive mentoring and encouragement of students toward academic success
- Promoting equity through demonstrated development and/or practice of culturally responsive teaching
- Innovation in the methodology of instruction
- Publishing peer-reviewed articles or books related to chemistry education
- Participation in grant funded projects related to undergraduate teaching and/or research
- Exceptional contributions to the college’s chemistry department
- Collaboration with local high schools and/or four-year colleges and universities
- Contributions to the local community, for example through the K-12 system
- Contributions to academic community, for example local or state Academic Senate
The award will be granted regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, presence of disabilities, and educational background.
March 1
How to Apply
The nomination period is open from July 1 to March 1.
Silicon Valley Section of the American Chemical Society
The American Chemical Society (ACS) grants awards at local, regional and national levels, for excellent teaching at the high school, college and university levels. This Silicon Valley ACS award was the first in the nation to recognize the contributions of community college chemistry teachers for the work they do both in education and in the greater community.
The award was established by our Section in 2008. Each year it honors an outstanding faculty member from among the 116 community colleges in California.
Contact Information Awards Office
Chair, Teacher-Scholar Award Selection Committee
Silicon Valley Section
American Chemical Society
PO Box 395
Palo Alto, CA 94302-0395
Email: teacher-scholar@siliconvalleyacs.org
Nomination Information
Nominee Requirements & Timeline
- Full or part-time faculty in Chemistry or related field at a California Community College (past or present)
- Membership in ACS not required
- Nomination deadline in December for award in June/July
- Each Nomination remains in candidate database for three award cycles
Nomination Process/Guidelines
- Submit your nomination using this online form that includes the following:
- Name of nominator and nominee
- Contact information for Nominator
- Brief (150 word) statement describing area(s) of excellence
- Opportunity to upload letter of recommendation and additional letters of support (see below)
- Letter of Recommendation (500-word max)
- Name of Candidate
- Alignment of work with Award’s purpose and criteria
- Excellence of the work
- Innovativeness of the approach used
- Impact and benefits of the work on students and/or society
- Optional Additional Letters of Support
Selection Committee and Process
Selection Committees are chemical professionals appointed to the committee to determine the recipient.
- Members of the committee must be members of the Society.
- Each selection committee consists of at least three appointed members.
- The names of the award selection committee members are confidential.
- Selection committee members of each award committee may not submit a nomination, provide a letter of support for a nomination, or be a nominee for the award.
Year | Recipient | Location |
2022 | Asmik Oganesyan | Glendale Community College |
2021 | Rushia Turner | Monterey Peninsula College |
2020 | Sewan Fan | Hartnell College |
2019 | Kathleen Armstrong | Foothill College |
2015 | Mark Zheng | San Jose City College |
2014 | Robert Tricca | Cañada College |
2013 | Jose Cabrera | San Jose City College |
2012 | Cinzia Muzzi | De Anza College |
2011 | Madeline Adamczeski | San Jose City College |
2010 | T. R. Dickson | Cabrillo College |
2009 | Jeanette Medina | Cañada College |