“This is a Girl Scouts Silver Award project, aiming to help make the world a better place by looking at the problems observed in our everyday life. Helium is more important than people often think, and this video hopes to show you why exactly that is, and provide evidence-based facts, whether you already knew some of them or not.
In case there is any question as to the sources, every statement in the following five and a half minutes has been reviewed for accuracy at least two to three times and comes from between one and five different credible sources and websites.”
For educators
Join the American Association of Chemistry Teachers. Attend a Teach the Teachers Workshop offered by the Silicon Valley Section.
For students
Learn about Paving the Path Program for community college students, National Chemistry Olympiad for high school students, and Tech Trek for middle school students.
Pop-Up Chemistry experiments for ages 9-12.
Science celebrations
Participate in the Bay Area Science Festival, Chemists Celebrate Earth Week, and National Chemistry Week.
Local colleges & universities
A list of local, Silicon Valley colleges and universities organized by county