For students

Paving the Path – A Mentoring Program for Community College Transfer Students

The Silicon Valley ACS is piloting a mentoring program for prospective chemistry transfer students!

The main objective of the Paving the Path (PTP) program is to help students from underrepresented groups in STEM transition from community colleges to 4-year institutions. The program includes 1-on-1 mentoring as well as group forums involving all program participants to focus on financial literacy, building confidence and community, personal and career development, and professional networking.

Long term, the goal is to help build a system of support and resources for chemistry transfer students from community colleges in our region.

Would you recommend community college faculty or staff who would like to stay abreast of PTP activity that would benefit their students? Please send their names and email addresses to

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or suggestions so that we can better serve our chemistry community!

Tech Trek

Tech Trek is a one-week, residential science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) camp designed to develop interest, excitement, and self-confidence in young women who will enter eighth grade in the fall. It features hands-on activities in math, science, and related fields. All sleeping, eating, instructional, and recreational facilities are located on a university campus where camps are held. This is an American Association of University Women (AAUW) sponsored event that the ACS Silicon Valley Section helps support. 

For the Tech Trek camp held at Stanford University, the girls do many different STEM-based activities including robotics, math, bay science cruises, biology and, of course, chemistry. There is a day-time chemistry lecture, and the ACS Silicon Valley Section provides a hands-on lab experience on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-10pm. Each night, two lab sessions for 40 girls, for a total of 80 girls each week, are held.  The latest experiment performed is a semi-quantitative titration of the vitamin C content in orange juice, lemonade, and Red Bull energy drink.  Below are images from Tech Trek 2019.