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Pacifichem 2021: A Creative Vision for the Future

December 15, 2021 - December 21, 2021

Cost varies
  • Pacifichem 2021: A Creative Vision for the Future
  • December 16-21, 2021
  • Sponsored by the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies
  •  Changed to Virtual only event
  • Learn more and register

The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 16-21, 2021. Pacifichem 2021 will be the eighth in the series of successful cosponsored scientific conferences of Pacific Basin Chemical Societies.  Founded in 1984, these conferences have been held in Honolulu, Hawaii about every five years.

Sponsored jointly by:

*The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) is the host society for the 2021 Congress.

2021 Theme:

A Creative Vision for the Future is the main theme of Pacifichem 2021.  Two subthemes are incorporated into the forward-looking conference: Core Chemistry and Chemistry for Global Challenges.

A Creative Vision for the Future

Chemistry is, and always should be, a creative enterprise, providing us with unique and unprecedented innovations to make human society happier, healthier and more sustainable.  In addition to being a discovery science, chemistry allows us, through limitless combinations and permutations of the over 100 elements, to create new substances and materials that nature has not yet seen in the 13.5 billion-year history of our universe and to employ them in the betterment of our Earth.

We do hope that Pacifichem 2021 will create an active forum and a productive platform where thousands of papers will disclose state-of-the-art, cutting edge findings in chemistry and related multidisciplinary areas that inspire active discussion and opportunities for international collaboration, thereby promoting creativity and a clear creative vision for chemistry.

Core Chemistry

A focus on the core areas of chemistry has been maintained in all previous Pacifichem Congresses.  For Pacifichem 2021, these Core Chemistry areas will include: Analytical; Organic; Inorganic; Physical, Computational and Theoretical; Macromolecular and Biological Chemistry; Materials Science; Nanotechnology; Chemical Education and Communication; and Chemical, Biological and Biomedical Engineering.  The core topic areas are vitally important for the future progress of our field and for addressing emerging global challenges.

Chemistry for Global Challenges

This subtheme emphasizes the important mission of chemistry: a science that contributes to the human society and helps to create a better world for the future.  The Global Challenges topic areas for Pacifichem 2021 will provide symposia and forums for new, emerging, futuristic, and/multidisciplinary areas in: Chemistry for Sustainability; Chemistry of Energy; Chemistry of Health Care; and Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Beyond.


December 15, 2021
December 21, 2021
Cost varies
Event Category:
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ACS National & Regional
International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies