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Metals, Alloys, and Salts – Mining a Wealth of Inorganic Chemistry with CAS SciFinderⁿ


Sponsored by CAS 10-11pm, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required From mining to paints and pigments, to microchips, a tremendous number of industries rely heavily on inorganic chemicals that serve as catalysts, pigments, coatings, surfactants and more. Improved understanding of the behavior and analogs of inorganic molecules, as well as the most viable techniques for […]


Sustainable Polymer Designs via Robust Dynamic Covalent Bonds


Prof. Zhibin Guan, Chemistry Dept., UC Irvine Sponsored by the Golden Gate Polymer Forum (GGPF) 6:30 PM Online via Zoom, Registration required. Learn more and register Abstract: This talk will discuss our recent progress in developing sustainable thermoset polymers that are strong, self-healing, malleable, and recyclable by using robust while dynamic boron-oxygen (B–O) and silyl […]

Free – $5

Trade Secrets and Economic Espionage in the 21st Century


Bill Leckrone, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Co-sponsored by ACS Webinars, ACS Advocacy, and ACS Industry Member Programs 11am-Noon, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required Historically, economic espionage has targeted defense-related and high-tech industries, but recent cases have shown that no industry, large or small, is immune to the threat. Any company with […]


New Science, Persistent Problems: What the World Needs Now from Universities


Co-sponsored by Stanford Impact Labs and the White House 10:30am-Noon, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required An Evidence Forum Co-Hosted by Stanford Impact Labs and the White House The United States faces converging economic, social, and health challenges that are exacerbating inequality in our communities and country. As local, state, and federal government leaders respond […]


Optimizing Pharmaceutical Powder Characterization: 5 Key Techniques


Brian Rodenhausen, Ph.D., Anton Paar  Co-sponsored by C&EN Webinars and Anton Paar 10am-11am, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required Many parameters, both internal and external, influence the behavior of pharmaceutical powders. Understanding why and how is the first step in optimizing your process for developing novel pharmaceutical powders. This webinar will focus on 5 key […]


Chemistry and the Economy: Break In Case of Emergency!


Paul Hodges, New Normal Consulting, and Bill Carroll, Carroll Applied Science Co-sponsored by ACS Webinars, ACS Business Development & Management Division, and ACS Industry Member Programs 11am-Noon, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required War, plague, famine, and inflation. The four horsemen of the apocalypse continue to ride across the globe and the signs of a […]


From Picking Stones in Sand to Inventing Skin-like Electronics that will Change the Future of Electronics: A Conversation with Professor Zhenan Bao


Sponsored by Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions 5-6pm, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required What’s the secret to innovation? How do scientific findings transfer to the real world? Professor Zhenan Bao, K.K. Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering at Stanford University and former department chair of Chemical Engineering at Stanford University, sits down with […]


A New Measure: The Revolutionary, Quantum Reform of the Modern Metric System


William D. Phillips, NIST and University of Maryland Sponsored by Cafe Scientifique 5pm-6:30pm, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required The International System of Units (the SI), the modern metric system, has recently undergone its most revolutionary change since its origins during the French Revolution. The nature of this revolution is that all of the base […]


The Berkeley Science Bowl Invitational 2023 (for high school student teams)

In-Person in Mountain View at Cuesta Park Group BBQ Areas #1-2 615 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View, CA, United States

Sponsored by the UC Berkeley ACS Student Chapter 9:00am-6:00pm, UC Berkeley campus (in person event), Cost varies, Learn more Registration deadline: January 14 Event Logistics Time: 9AM-6PM, Saturday January 21st, 2023 Location: UC Berkeley (in-person) Format: 5 Round-Robin rounds followed by 16-team Double-Elimination Price: Estimated $80-100 per initial team, with discounted subsequent teams Note: This […]


Shining a Nanofocused Light on the Hidden Secrets of Stradivari’s Violins


Dr. Chiaramaria Stani, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, and Dr. Giacomo Fiocco, University of Pavia Sponsored by ACS Webinars and ACS Analytical Chemistry Division 11am-Noon, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required No one can deny the extraordinary aesthetic and acoustic features of Stradivari’s violins. While their worldwide reputation for quality goes unquestioned, a consensus is unclear on […]
