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Chemistry in the Kitchen: Promoting Appreciation of Chemistry and Science

In-Person in Mountain View at Cuesta Park Group BBQ Areas #1-2 615 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View, CA, United States

Professor Richard Zare, Stanford Chemistry Department Abstract:  For the past three years, I have been offering a course to Stanford freshmen titled “Chemistry in the Kitchen.” Students are told the following before signing up for this course: This course examines the chemistry relevant to food and drink preparation, both in homes and in restaurants, which […]

$20 – $35

From Plant Scents to Perfumes


Abstract Plant scents from flowers, fruits, leaves, or tree barks are composed of complex mixtures of volatile organic compounds. People have used these fragrant mixtures since ancient times to produce lotions, oils and perfumes. While contemporary perfumes and other scented products consist, to a large extent, of synthetic materials, the inspiration for their components came […]


ChemLuminary Awards

The 22nd Annual ChemLuminary Awards ceremony will be held virtually and will include a keynote address by Janet L. Bryant, recipient of the 2020 Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society, and the presentations of awards given by 23 committees of the Society will follow. The Silicon Valley Local ACS Section has been […]


Stereoselective Construction of Challenging C – C Bonds: Total Synthesis of Complex Bioactive Agents


Abstract The central premise of the research in my group focuses on developing novel synthetic transformations that permit the expeditious total synthesis of complex bioactive natural products. A unique and striking feature of the program is the ability to access new chemical reactivity, which in conjunction with detailed mechanistic studies, permits the development of sophisticated […]


Polymer Chemistry and Lutherie: The Materials of Fretted Instrument


We kick-off this sensory ride with Dr. Steven Pollack who doubles as a science fellow at Carbon, Inc. and a luthier for Yellow Rose Lutherie of Redwood City. In his talk titled, "Polymer Chemistry and Lutherie: The Materials of Fretted Instruments”, he discusses the polymers in the guitar that can influence the quality of the […]


Tackling Imposter Syndrome


Abstract “I don’t deserve to be here, and everybody knows it.” This is the constant messaging of impostor syndrome – whether you’re starting a new position, winning an award, or being asked to speak at a conference. While few of us talk about it, most of us experience it at some point in our careers. […]

Why Commercial Tomatoes Have No Taste: The Biochemistry and Genetics of Flavor Preferences


Professor Harry Klee of the University of Florida will address the oft heard query in the vegetable section of the supermarket, “Why don’t commercial tomatoes have any taste?” in his talk on the biochemistry and genetics of flavor preferences. Dr. Klee strives to understand the chemical and genetic make-up of "flavor" in fruits and vegetables. […]