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The CHIPS and Science Act: What’s in it for the Chemistry Enterprise?


Sponsored by ACS Webinars and ACS Advocacy and ACS Government Affairs 11am-Noon, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required In 2022, the U.S. Congress passed major bipartisan legislation called the CHIPS and Science Act, with the goal of reshaping U.S. research, innovation, and economic growth across all sectors to better compete globally. There has been plenty […]


Light, Materials and Interfaces: The Complex Dance That Allows CLIP-based 3D Printing


Prof. Joseph DeSimone, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Stanford University Jointly sponsored by Golden Gate Polymer Forum and Silicon Valley ACS 6-7pm, Online via Zoom, Free/$5 Donation, Registration required (Registration deadline: June 20th at 1pm) Download flyer Abstract Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) provides an alternate means of creating 3D objects from polymers.  Digital programming and additive […]

Free – $5

ERGO: A Potential Answer in Mushrooms to Healthy Aging?


Sponsored by ACS Webinars and ACS Agricultural & Food Chemistry Division 11am-Noon, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required The accidental discovery of a fungal contaminant in a Petri dish by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 led to development of the antibiotic penicillin, which revolutionized medicine and saved countless lives from deadly bacterial infections. Prior to […]


Annual BBQ Picnic and Awards Ceremony

In-Person in Mountain View at Cuesta Park Group BBQ Areas #1-2 615 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View, CA, United States

A family-friendly event, please join us for our annual picnic and awards ceremony!  Download flyer Date and Time: July 8, 2023,  4-7pm 4:00-5:00 pm: Wine and Beer Tasting with hors d'oevres 5:00-6:00 pm: Dinner catered by Armadillo Willy’s 6:00-7:00 pm: Awards and Recognitions - SVACS Ottenberg Award, SVACS Community College Teacher-Scholar Awards, and celebrating 50-, […]


Chemistry and the Economy: 2023 Mid-Year Review


Are we charging ahead into a brick wall? The U.S. chemical industry is at a critical juncture where decisions must be made on overcapacity and growing political concerns, including risks to major recent China oriented investments that need to be repurposed to support long-term growth in plastic recycling and growing concerns over PFAs from regulators […]


How Student Feedback Can Help Us Teach Better


Focusing on student-centered instruction fosters a more effective and inclusive learning environment. Students possess unique perspectives and insights that can greatly enhance instruction and curricula when educators move past traditional ratings and evaluations from students to capture feedback that is timely, accurate, and actionable. Join Valerie Wright, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the […]


Kid Makers: Pop Up Chemistry for Middle School Scientists

In-person (Redwood City Public Library-Downtown Library) 1044 Middlefield Road, Redwood City, CA, United States

Sponsored by Silicon Valley ACS and Redwood City Public Library Location: Redwood City Downtown Library, 1044 Middlefield Rd, Free, Learn more Young scientists explore different aspects of chemistry! Once a month, join members of the ACS and take part in hands on experiments. For ages 9-12. This program will take place in the Makerspace.


Fundamentals of Intellectual Property for Scientists


Intellectual Property (IP) rights receive significant attention in the public discourse when movie studios, musicians, and major silicon valley companies challenge the unauthorized exploitation of their creations, but IP is just as vital to protecting scientists as they work to invent formulas, processes, and software programs to solve the world’s most complex technological challenges. Whether […]


The Art of Securing Research Funding: Crafting Effective Grant Proposals


In the competitive landscape of grant applications, it’s not just about having a brilliant idea. The art of crafting and writing the proposal itself is equally vital. Join Program Manager and Assistant Director Nancy Jensen of the Office of Research Grants at ACS as she provides practical tips for identifying funding sources, suggests effective approaches […]


Postdoc to Faculty Workshop: A Workshop for Prospective Chemical Sciences Faculty

In-Person in Mountain View at Cuesta Park Group BBQ Areas #1-2 615 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View, CA, United States

Sponsored by ACS Held in Chicago, Illinois (Learn more and register) See also: Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (resources on the ACS website) If you are a postdoctoral fellow interested in a faculty position in the chemical sciences at a college or university, this workshop can help you prepare for a rewarding career. The Postdoc […]

How the Chemical Complexity of Aerosols Impacts Climate and Disease


Aerosols are small particles (less than 100 micron in diameter) that contain a myriad of organic molecules, including water, salts, lipids, and even viruses and bacteria. Join Rommie E. Amaro of the Airborne Institute and the University of California, San Diego as she discusses how computational simulation is providing never-before-seen views into the structure and […]
