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How the Chemical Complexity of Aerosols Impacts Climate and Disease


Aerosols are small particles (less than 100 micron in diameter) that contain a myriad of organic molecules, including water, salts, lipids, and even viruses and bacteria. Join Rommie E. Amaro of the Airborne Institute and the University of California, San Diego as she discusses how computational simulation is providing never-before-seen views into the structure and […]


Revising Technical Manuscripts: Improving Coherence, Clarity & Conciseness


“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away” - Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupery Chemistry is complicated. Cleary and concisely communicating that complexity to your intended audience while also ensuring it has the intended impact isn’t easy, nor does it happen on the first draft. […]


CALACS Day at the Oakland Coliseum – Oakland A’s Vs SF Giants


Sponsored by the ACS California Section 4pm, Oakland Coliseum, 7000 Joe Morgan Way, Oakland, CA 94621, $26.95, Registration required (Registration deadline: no later than Noon on August 3rd). Get ready for an epic showdown between the Oakland A’s and the SF Giants at the Oakland Coliseum on Sat Aug 05, 2023, at 4:00 PM (PDT). […]


AI for Learning, Teaching, and Writing


How can using artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT improve how you learn, teach, and write about chemistry? The sudden popularity of natural language processing applications like ChatGPT with the general public mirrors the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) tools by students, educators, and researchers recently in academia. Join Amy Fuller of the University of […]


Kids Zone: Hands on Chemistry for Kids


Hosted by ACS President Judith C. Giordan 10am-1pm, Children’s Creativity Museum, 221 4th St., San Francisco, Free Learn more and register ACS Kids Zones are free public events featuring facilitator-supported activities based on the theme for children and their families. ACS members, including local chemists, chemistry students, and volunteer chemists of the ACS Committee on […]


ACS Fall 2023 National Meeting (In-Person and Virtual)


Theme: Harnessing the Power of Data Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, Registration and Housing are now open ACS Fall 2023 website Where thousands of chemistry professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge.


CACS 2023 Fall Banquet/Keynote at the ACS 2023 Fall National Meeting


Sponsored by Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS) 6-9pm, R&G Lounge in San Francisco Chinatown, 631 Kearny Street, San Francisco, $70/person 10-Course Banquet, Open to All, View Event Flyer & Ticket Info, View Program Details Schedul 6:00 - 6:45 pm      Registration and Social Hour 6:45 - 7:05 pm      Welcome and Introductory Remarks […]


ORCID Workshop for Researchers


Sponsored by ORCID Lyrasis US Community 10-11am, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required Getting and using your free ORCID iD and ORCID record can help you save time and get credit for your work in funding, publishing, and research reporting workflows. Funding organizations, publishers, and research institutions are increasingly requiring or asking for ORCID iDs […]


CAS SciFinder-n Live: What’s New and Upcoming


Sponsored by CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) 11:00-11:45 am, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required Join us as CAS SciFindern experts walk you through recent solution enhancements. We will go in-depth, helping you understand how to take advantage of newly released features and the overall impact on researching in CAS SciFindern. Stick around until the end for […]


Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Mentors, Imposter Syndrome, and Diversity


Sponsored by ACS Webinars and ACS Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect (DEIR) 11am-Noon, Online via Zoom, Free, Registration required How can you choose a mentor that will support your academic and personal career goals? How do you recognize and overcome imposter syndrome? How can you champion diversity and why is it vital to […]


Chemical Vapor Deposition Techniques for Design & Synthesis of Polymer Nanomaterials


Prof. Rong Yang, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University  Sponsored by the Golden Gate Polymer Forum, GGPF 5PM Pacific time, Online via Zoom, Registration required (Registration deadline: Sept. 6th @ 1pm) Abstract Polymers are some of the most prevalent materials in the modern age. While they have been predominantly synthesized in solution and processed into […]

Free – $5