Chair’s Message – April 2022

Hello Silicon Valley Section of the ACS! I’m thrilled to be back from leave to serve as your Chair after welcoming a brand-new chemist-to-be into the world. We have hosted some great virtual events to kick off the year, and will be continuing with regularly scheduled events in this format to allow more folks to attend and a broad array of guest speakers to present to our Section. While the Omicron variant set us back in resuming in-person events, your Executive Committee is active in planning the return of in-person events barring the measurable emergence of new variants. Hooray! This month, for those of you interested in a career in teaching, we have an informative virtual panel presentation by our friends at the Encorps STEM Teachers Program scheduled for the evening of April 12th. Additional events for the months of May and beyond are posted on our new website: On a heavier note, I’m sorry to report that one of our dear members, George Lechner, passed away in February. George was an over 50-year member of the ACS and an active member of our Section. He will certainly be missed.

Our Section is looking to increase our presence on social media. Are you active on social media? Are you interested in growing the online presence of the Silicon Valley ACS Section? If so, please write to me at As always, should you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at as well.

Stephanie Benight

ACS Silicon Valley Chair

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