Chair’s Message – August 2023

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, July 3 through August 11 are “the Dog Days of Summer.” I’m not sure what gave rise to that saying, but I think it was in part due to the enervation due to heat stress. We are pretty lucky here in the Bay Area that our temperatures are moderated by the Pacific Ocean. But nonetheless, the pace of life does slow down a bit. Our section did take a short sabbatical during this period, after our very successful picnic.

The ACS Fall National meeting is here and will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco August 13-17. The theme of the meeting is “Harnessing the Power of Data” which is particularly relevant in the Bay Area. Registration is still open. Our section has been very involved in arranging the Kids Zone, a hands-on family event to be held on August 11 at the Children’s Creativity Museum in Yerba Buena Gardens. See Page 5 in this newsletter for more info.

I am looking forward to the ChemLuminary reception and party which will be held on Tuesday August 15 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel Salon 8-9, 780 Mission Street. See page 3 in this newsletter. Our section is a finalist for Outstanding Section (Large) ChemLuminary. If you are attending the meeting in person, please come to the reception (8-9 PM) and awards ceremony and celebration afterwards to applaud the creativity of all the local sections. This is a great time to learn from the other local sections what they have done. We are encouraged to appropriate other sections’ great ideas. If you can’t attend in person, the awards ceremony will be live streamed.

After the excitement of the National meeting, we will return to our regular activities. A Chemistry of Wine event is being planned featuring Dr. Phil Crews, UC Santa Cruz. And we will be holding a series of outreach events for National Chemistry Week. Stay tuned to future newsletters for information on these events.

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