Chair’s Message – October 2022

By Stephanie Benight, PhD.

Happy Fall everyone! With Fall comes some exciting programming and events. The ACS Western Regional Meeting takes place this month in Las Vegas, October 19th – October 22nd. The meeting spans many diverse topics in chemistry, with symposia on nuclear forensics and medicine, greenhouse gases, water contamination and treatment, quantum science, cannabis science, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and electrochemical energy storage. While the Call for Abstracts is now closed, registration for the meeting remains open. 

Locally, your very own SVACS Program Committee is hard at work putting together some exciting events with the aim to resume gathering in person!  We have a hybrid event scheduled for November 3rd that includes a social hour, dinner, and talk at Michael’s at Shoreline in Mountain View.  It is also possible to attend the talk via Zoom.  See this event page for more details.  Looking forward to November, the 3rd annual Bay Area Chemistry Symposium is taking place November 10, 2022.  See the flyer and registration information in this month’s newsletter.

National Chemistry Week (NCW) is October 16th – 21st!  This year’s theme is Fabulous Fibers: The Chemistry of FabricsSee our NCW events page for local activities and for resources you can access from National ACS. 

As always, should you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at

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